Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 11 every thursday cardio recovery

I'm really tired. I think it's just because I jolted my body into hardcore workouts after a very long lul of nothing. But that's ok. I feel good, just tired. I also think I slightly pulled the tendon or legament or muscle that is right under my left calf. My calf doesnt hurt at all but right below it. So yesterday, eventhough I did work my hardest it still wasnt my hardest because I didnt want to make it worse. So I'm unfortunately going light on it. I did not want to get up today. At.all. I knew it was only stretching but I really didnt want to do it. Buuuuuut I did because I know stretching is one of the most important things next to good form. Last night i was so thirsty aka dehydrated that i drank 64 oz of water in 2 hours. I dont think I've ever done that before. Hydrating with water is so important. I'm kind of having a problem eating as well. I dont get hungry after i do any kind of working out/athletic activity so I pretty much have to make myself eat breakfast and lunch. Around dinner time and right before bed is when I get crazy hungry. Bad timing, thats for sure. It is interesing though how my hunger and blood sugars are corralating. The majority of the past 16 years I have had issues with low blood sugars in the night and morning. I have had a lot of lows in the morning the past recent months. Maybe because I'm getting so hungry at night which means my metabolism and my body is working harder to burn calories so its affecting my blood sugars. Dont know if its true but it sound like it would be right. Well, I really like my legs being stronger and I so enjoy how working out makes me feel over all.... tomorrow plyo something .... Saturday....hell X2 Lets get it.
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