Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

It's the night before I start the Insanity workout program. If you know me then you know I played softball (for 17 years) as well as other sports such as basketball, volleyball and track, although softball was my main sport. I started playing at 3 years old and ended when I was 20. For those 17 years I never had to make sure I was working out to stay fit because it was my life so I didn't have to work at it. Fitness was just intertwined into my every day life.

There are two types of athletes. The first group I like to call skathletes. Skathlete is a combination of two words, skinny and athlete. These are the people who get smaller after they stop playing their sport mostly because they aren't lifting weights anymore so they lose their muscle mass and get smaller. The second group of people are called fathletes. Fathlete is the combination of the two words fat and athlete. These are the people who get, well who cares about being PC, fat after they stop playing their sport.

Turns out, I'm a fathlete.

Now give me a break, I'm not saying that I'm gross and I'm disgusting and I don't like myself. No. I'm just sayin how it is. Keepin it real, son.

Recently I got over my fathleteness and started running (a dirty word to the majority of softball players) and lifing again because I really like being fit and in shape and the extra innertube around my waist just isn't cuttin it for me any more.

I'd run for a week and then stop then run some more a couple weeks after that. Always having to run on a tredmill because like I said, running is a dirty word. And that tredmill, man, if you turn it up real fast you gotta get boogin' or you will fall off. See, I made myself either run really really fast for 45 minutes or run uphill at 4.5 with a speed of 4.5 so I could make the workout harder. When all along, I was over whelmingly BORED. It was horrible. Torture. The only reason I did it was because I wanted to get fit again. Well, wrong answer to a girl who never really ran and was fit because all of her workouts consisted of plyometrics and sprinting to the point where I couldn't breath.

So I thought to myself, "I need to do something hard again and interactive. Ya know, moving around a lot with different sets. Kinda like a workout where I almost throw up and I'm crying at the end. I need to feel the burn. That's what I need. That won't be boring."

Now, I'm no chump. I don't just give into the gimics that people try and sell on the tv. Such as .... "Lose and inch off your waist in 2 days or your money back!" or "Just strap this here mashine on your abs and let it shake you while you sit on your butt at home and still eat crappy but shed the inches off in just a few days and have hard rock abs!" I'm into working really hard for a great result. I need a challege and I need to be pushed. Turns out I'm more challenged oriented than I thought.

So, I bought Insanity.

If you haven't heard of it, it's kind of like P90X but without the weights and a lot more cardio. If you don't know P90X ... well just google or youtube Insanity.

It really is an insane workout. I'm going to get beat up for about a week or so but that's only b/c I'm super out of shape.

I'm really excited to start this thing b/c I know how it feels to be in extremely good shape and feel really good. And I miss feeling really good so I won't mind getting beat up for a while to feel better and be fit and healthy. I won't be doing it alone either, thank you Jesus. I have 4 or 5 friends coming tomorrow and will prob be in and out of the workout sessions throughout the process. Doing it alone would be slightly boring and wrong. And besides I'll need someone else other than Shaun T to tell me to keep pushing. That's how I roll.

I will be bloging every day I workout, which is 6 days/week (Mon-Sat) until the program is over which is in 2 months. I won't stop the workout just because the program is over in 2 months, I'll just start over at the beginning and do it again. I will be tracking my results as well to see how I'm chaning and getting fit.

Soooooo here are my beginning numbers. No shame in my game, just being real.

Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 180 lbs
Bicepts: R - L
Chest: 43in
Waist: 43in
Thigh: R - 58.5 cm L - 59.5 cm
Calf: R - 37.5cm L - 37.5cm

Time to get some good rest for a 7am sharp work out! I'm so going to be beat up tomorrow.
Here it goes!