The girls walked in the door looking reeeeal tired. They were. Today was pretty hard eventhough we have done this workout 3 other times. I can do the warm up faster and my lower body is getting stronger. My feet are still burning and its still annoying.
I was on the ground, on my face quite a bit today breathing really hard after pushups and jump up and backs. Couldnt finish because my muscles were so tired.
I could take a 3 hour nap right now but i cant because I'm at work. I'm soooo tired but feel good. I'm glad we dont workout until tomorrow evening. But tomorrow is the hardest day ... Pure Cardio. 20 min straight of different plyo excersizes. That seems like way too much work right now. Its ok because looking at tomorrow with todays grace doesnt work.
Soooooo tired.
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Good job Katrina. Doing awesome!