I woke up at 5:30am to go get Cecie after waking up 3 different times during the night. Lame. But I was wide awake so that was good and she was too.
During the day yesterday I wondered if I worked hard enough b/c I wasnt sore or achy. Well, then came the night. My back muscles were the ones that were aching most and my legs a bit as well. Allison was a champ and although thoughts of not coming this morning floated around in her little head last night, b/c it is tiring at first, I told her it was ok and that she would just be jealous when I was rockin being in shape. Haha, I would. ... oh, she came.
It really is insane and I totally got beat up. I can't wait to get my muscles stronge though so that I will be able to push myself harder. I had to take a break during reps because my legs were burning. Is it sick in the head that I genuinely enjoy the burning of my muscles to the point where I'm acutally excited for them to get stronger so they can burn more? Cuuuuuuuz it's true. Mabye it's just the inheriant desire of an athlete? But I'm sure not all athletes, active and non-active, would agree. Any way, I like it.
There were times today during the workout where we said out loud, "What?! One more set!?" hahaha Some of my reps were really wimpy. It was like I could barely get off the ground to jump in the air, but jump I did.
I'm pretty stiff tonight but I know I'm gettin somewhere so I'm excited. I really really miss my body being at a high fitness level so I'm glad I'm working towards that way and staying that way.
Well I said I'd give you a video ... but I have two. So here ya go. We gon get it!
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