Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 45-53 ... eeps

I've been clearly not awesome at blogging this month over all. Maybe because I have missed @ least 1 day a week and sometimes 2. That is also frustrating. Most of the times have been because of my knees. They are not awesome and they hurt a little just to squat down. Doing hard workouts on carpeted cement is not good. So even when I do the workouts they arent 100% because my knees hurt. So i'm going to try and find a gym mat, one thicker than a yoga mat, that i can workout on so my knees will stop hurting. I didnt workout the last 2 days bc i am sick. Although working out does help getting over a cold so i bucked up and did Max Recovery today. Ya know, the one where i said we did 1/4th of and then just watched the rest? Well i finished half of it today and Im sure i could have finished it all but had to go to work.

Next week is the last week and it is so true that this program WILL get you fit and ripped real quick, in 60 days. If i would have done every day I would have a much smaller waist for sure. But Im not trippin about that. So because I missed, what I think is a lot, workouts I'm going to do month 2 again. I figured I would just start the program over but I want to do this month again so I can do it all the way through and better. Oh yes. I'll prob keep blogging through next month as well.

Get it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 41, 43 & 44 ... nothing

Sooo not too stoked about the fact that I havent worked out since friday. Saturday I woke up and my knees hurt so I gave muyself 2 days off. Yesterday I worked which I usually dont on mondays and I didnt want to wake up early bc I havent gotten 8 hours of sleep the whole weekend and then this morning i was 245 and said nope. So Im going to get my butt kicked tomorrow. I kinda feel blah so Im ready to workout tomorow. Still feelin good though but man working out feels so much better.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 40!!!!!

Wow I felt so much stronger today! And that whole hunger thing got fixed, at least for today. Ha.

I could do a lot more this time than I could monday. I have a video as well but will upload later.

Tomorow is a workout by myself so we'll see how that works out for me.eek!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 39 ... more like day sorry Shaun T, maybe next week

Well today was Max Recovery day.

It came. And went. And we spent about 30 of the 47 minutes on the floor watching the workout instead of doing the workout. Why? We couldnt. We seriously couldnt. Cecie and I layed there for the last 30 minutes watching the workout. It is insane. And its "recovery" day. Hahahaha Our bodies were shaking and we couldnt even hold ourselves up for the plank workout. We tried, we really did.

Sorry Shaun T we couldnt hang today. Hopefully next week we will be able to do half of it at least.

Day 38 ....

I have nothing to say ... the video says it ... i will post it later due to the fact I dont have a working computer. I think I died today. Ha.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 37 ... more like day 2

What.the.sam? As LaTasha Robinson would say.

It feels like we havent done ANYTHING! Like we are starting from the very beginning at day 1. We got beat up again today. Seriously. Looking back at the first months workout I'm thinking, "Compared to this THAT is nothin. i could rock the casbaugh in last months workouts!"

It's an hour long now and its all max interval training so we are oushing as hard as we can through moves that are extremely hard for an entire hour. I think we spent about 10 out of the 60 minutes on the floor. We are becoming good friends with my livingroom floor.

I'm very sure now that the knee pain I'm having is due to the floor we are working on. Cement covered with carpet. C's knees started hurting today as well. Not awesome. Gotta find some workout pads to throw on the floor or we are going to be in some major pain.

Well, although its insane, we are seeing changes in our body and I have a feeling this month is going to produce rapid change due to the insanity we are doing. True.

I have had to decrease my insulin A LOT and I'm not even taking insulin for the food I eat so that means i can decrease my long acting insulin more. Thats exciting. Our bodies are genius' because they were build by a genius.

Heres to rocking life!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 36 Fit Test and First day of what-the-frick!

So left my fit test results at home and dont have them to type here. They pretty much stayed the same and didn't make any big jumps like last time.

Today was horrid. Mostly because I was by myself which is half my fault b/c I didnt wake up until 7:45 and we were supposed to start at 7:00. I think I did only half of the workout. I went through the whole thing, no doubt, but I stopped so many times I think I physically only did half of it. It was just as hard as the first day. So hopefully just like the first month I/we will see improvements on how the workouts arent as hard as the first time because our bodies will be getting stronger.

My knees are hurting anytime I bend them. It stinks. I think its because we are doing the workout on carpet that is on cement. No bueno. Will prob have to get a mat because they are really really sore.

Today was lame because I am not fit enough to do the workout all the way. Booo. But, here's to getting stronger to do it better at the end of the month!

Video number one:

Video number two:

tomorrow is max plyos ... yesss more cardio! woop woop!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 34 final day of recovery week

It is frustrating to have to get back in shape from being sooooo out of it and have never had to actually work at being in shape before. I think thats the weirdest part about this process is the fact that I have never had to work at it per se. Obviously I did have to work at it but it was just engrained in my life through playing sports all the time. But now its like, uh why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, the end result is to be healthy and fit, not to get better at my sport or run faster or push harder to throw farther. The goal is totally different. Working out for the purpose of getting better at my sport obvioulsy made me fit but being fit wasnt the goal, even though kind of it was. But getting better at my sport was the main goal but fitness was as outcome as well.

Not ganna lie Im really going to enjoy my day off tomorrow because monday is the fit test aaand an hour workout! Aaaaaah! So thats like an hour and a half!

I really like feeling stronger and stronger. I used to be really stong doing my various sports plus being a lifegurd and swimming. I havent felt strong in a while. So Im likin this!

Video of Me and Cecie buring our faces off :

Day 33 I think I burned my face off

We rocked it today and we got rocked as well. Its funny because whe know when the pain part is coming and our comments make it clear that we are getting ready mentally to get our faces burnt off. For real though. Our muscles burn so much! Tomorrow is our last day of this workout. Im getting nervous because we are ganna get whooped on monday. We are prepared but whooped none the less!
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Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 32 didnt happen

So the other girls couldnt get to my house this morning and after yesterdays butt kicking I said, nope not doing it by myself, rolled back over and went to sleep. Tomorrow back at it!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 31 We yelled through the burn

For the first time today we did the workout using our own music and choosing the no option for the insanity music. Of course it was my music :) We all agreed it was better and actually more motivating. How can hip hop not motivate you to push harder!?

It was a really good effort by all of us today. We decided to push through the last 2 sets and oooooooh wow. Cecie and I were yelling through it as our muscles were BURNING! Wowza it felt good and we all tell we are getting stronger.

I like being fit through hard work. Its true.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 30! Half way there!

I'm really diggin this workout. It feels really really good. I'm sweatin buckets!

There are two sets when we are really feelin the burn and they are both at the end of the workout. The first one is a balancing technique. We stand on one leg and then with the other we bring our knee up then go back down touching our toes to the floor doing it for 30seconds. Then we bring the same knee up and pluse it without touching the floor for 30 seconds and then we keep our knee in the air and extend our leg out infront of us for another 30. Duh-hang it burns so good.

Then right after that we get in a squat position and do 5 different arm movements. They are actually the same ones my mom made us do when she coached volleyball and softball. With straight arms pat down, foward then back, touch fingers above head, and circles fowards and circles backwards.


My rock hard calves are back! I loooove them. When now reminds me of a person to remain nameless from highschool, she knows who she is, who said referring to a guy she was interested in "well he has nice calves" hahaha i just remembered that. You know who you are!

Yay for working out tomorrow. 4 days left until our bodies get beat up again but feelin grrrrrreat!
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Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 29 back at it and a new workout!

Ok, so I have been MIA since last week. I only worked out 3 days last week because my blood sugars were being dumb and I went back on shots b/c I dont want a 5th appendage. Sooooo GAME ON!

We started core balance and recovery week. We only do this workout for the 5th week and we do it every day which is the only time we repeat any work out. I was sweating buckets because its working our muscles. We are doing slower balancing excersizes instead of fast cardio ones. I really like it. I could do this workout every day but week number 6 will come and we will certainly get our butts kicked! Here is a video for today. p.s. friday was our last pure cardio and cardio abs work out and I missed it. I acutally wanted to get rocked by it one last time since we wont be doing it for 6 more weeks. Oh well.

A video for your viewing pleasure ... :) enjoy!